CoinDash at NYC Ethereum Meetup

Still wondering what the fuss is all about?
Now you have a chance to get to know CoinDash a little bit better. As part of Coindash's publicity road map we are going to present our platform in New York City Ethereum Meetup. The event is scheduled to take place at the 22nd of May, 2017 at 6:30 PM local time.
On the Meetup, our CEO and founder Alon Muroch will talk about the ideas behind CoinDash and its vision to become the first crypto based portfolio management tool and operating system for crypto assets.
Among other things Alon will also discuss on the following:
How the crypto market is changing trading and how Token Offerings are becoming the killer app for blockchain
The opportunities CoinDash has in the Cryptocurrency eco system
The challenges in changing they way we trade Cryptocurrencies today and how CoinDash can solve them
Although there is still time, many of CoinDash supporters have already confirmed their spot, don't miss out on the opportunity and reserve yourself a spot as well by RSVP here: