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COINDASH - Facebook meets eToro for crypto investors

Hi Coindashers!

Our third newsletter is finally here, we will focus on how important the social graph is to our investment decision making. But first some news :)

News Update

  • RBS hackathon - CoinDash participated last week (16-17.11.16) in an international hackathon organized by RBS, those were an amazing 48 hacking hours! We got a ton of amazing interest from people all over, made new friends and important contacts.

  • CoinFund Q&A - 18.11.16 CoinFund interevied CoinDash for an hour long Q&A, talking about our vision and presenting for the first time our alpha product! Check the full interview here

  • Alpha product - We’ve demoed our alpha product live and now moving fast towards alpha testing it internally with real crypto investors to keep on improving it. - Facebook meets eToro for crypto investors

COINDASH will be the social platform where all types of cryptocurrency investors come together to share insights about the market, share achievements, share tips, share ideas and copy-trade the best in the world.

That is our grand vision for the future... Let roll back a bit to understand why it's so important.

How important the social aspect is

Crypto investing is a relatively new thing, kind of a wild west. We as traders pick a coin, invest in it and then later decide when to sell to make a profit. Our decisions about what to buy and what to sell are driven by many factors, but mostly by asking people we trust what they think (other traders).

The social aspect of our decision making is immensely strong but also very limited, currently, because our reach to other investors is mostly friends and colleagues because we can’t really judge if other traders are good or not because everyone brag about their achievements and hide their failures. - Facebook meets eToro for cryptocurrency investors

CoinDash is a social network that connects cryptocurrency traders from all over the world and enables them to share their achievements, tips, talk about the market, follow others and copy-trade the best in the business.

Everything we as investors try to do on a daily basis with our close friends will now be available on a worldwide scale!

The ability to tap the experience and learn from the actions of the best traders in the crypto space has an incredible value to everyone. Both veteran and new traders can now make their decision making better and more precise with CoinDash by following the best traders in the business.

Next we will bring together the technical side of measuring performance and how it works with the social graph.

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